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Hornbaker, Steven

Contact Information:

Name: Hornbaker, Steven
Address: 217 A W. 8th, Junction City, KS 66441
Phone: 785-761-6070
Practice Region: Kansas City, KS, Topeka, KS and Wichita, KS

Bar Admissions

District of Kansas: 8062 (1973)
Others: 10th Circuit Supreme Court
In Good Standing: Yes

ADR Experience

Experience: I was a Kansas District Judge for the 8th Judicial District for 21 years and practiced for 27 years before that. As a Judge I mediated criminal, Domestic and Civil cases of atl types. The Judges would routinely mediate cases for each other. After I retired 3 years ago I have mediated civil cases in Kansas City, Wichita. Topeka and points between. I have limited my mediations to civil cases only. I mediate 15-20 cases a year and would like to do more. I have had success in my mediations and have been recalled
by counsel to do further cases.
Lead Mediator Sessions: 30
Co-Mediator Sessions: 0
Counsel for a Party Sessions: 0

ADR Training

Course Info: On the job training. I tried over 75 jury trials to condusion as lead counsel as a lawyer and I tried hundreds of cases of all types as a judeg for 21 years.
Total CME Hours: As required
Approved Mediator for Civil Cases by the State of Kansas: No

Legal Experience

Experience: I lectured to the KTLA and KBA many times as lawyer on the subject of Insurance Law, Trial practice, and the Federal Tort Claims Act. I just put on a seminar for the Riley County Bar Association on the subject of mediation
Active Litigation: 40 Years
40% representing Plaintiffs
60% representing Defendants
30% in Federal Courts
70% in State Courts
Other Experience: The above figures represent my trial practice while I was an attomey, not as a Judge. So, in the 5 years immediately prior to now as a Judge my work was Civil: 10%, Criminal: 35%, Domestic: 35%, Other: 20%.
Education: JD from Washburn University 1973
Additional Details: I was the criminal law editor for the Journal of the KTLA. And also the Workers Compensation editor for my location area and Judge Ward.

Fee Structure

Rate: $300 per hour plus actual expenses